Month: March 2016

Agency Child Theme

“Agency” is the latest release of a sample Child Theme using the Bootplate framework.  This latest sample child theme comes with a nifty split nav, logo text with image bug in the fixed header, a larger (but not full-height) jumbotron, and bold color pallet. Learn more and preview the theme in our Themes page.  You… more Agency Child Theme

Introducing Childplate

We discussed creating a series of child themes for the Bootplate framework a few days ago.  Well, we went ahead and did a super-basic one we’re calling Childplate.  You can download and customize the heck out of from its own GitHub repo.  In the future, we’ll be releasing more “fleshed-out” themes, but you gotta start… more Introducing Childplate

Child Theme Inspiration

We’re gonna start with a boilerplate child theme example called “ChildPlate”, but once that free (and downloadable) child theme is complete, we’re gonna build four (yes, four) other ones to inspire the (nerdy) community and help Bootplate get ready for prime time. The goal here is for these child themes to inspire, impress, and demonstrate the… more Child Theme Inspiration

Example Post with Featured Image

Sed ut urna eget nunc tincidunt cursus id at leo. Praesent urna ipsum, bibendum sed nibh in, fringilla sagittis leo. Phasellus accumsan egestas neque, eget cursus ipsum mollis ut. Donec egestas id tellus at hendrerit. Donec cursus aliquam dolor, ut auctor ligula lobortis facilisis. Style Testing Morbi egestas facilisis dolor eu sagittis. Morbi bibendum imperdiet… more Example Post with Featured Image

Another Post Title Here

Let’s pretend another post goes here.  Sed ut urna eget nunc tincidunt cursus id at leo. Praesent urna ipsum, bibendum sed nibh in, fringilla sagittis leo. Phasellus accumsan egestas neque, eget cursus ipsum mollis ut. Donec egestas id tellus at hendrerit. Donec cursus aliquam dolor, ut auctor ligula lobortis facilisis. Morbi egestas facilisis dolor eu… more Another Post Title Here