Author: Jenee Echard

WordPress 4.6 Compatibility

WordPress 4.6 includes several important performance improvements, a handful of nifty new features, and a slew of bug fixes.  But, Bootplate theme framework users may be wondering, “Is Bootplate compatible with this latest version of WordPress?”  Well, folks, it certainly is. Developed on Nightly Builds From the beginning, we’ve been building and maintaining Bootplate on… more WordPress 4.6 Compatibility

Top Bootstrap jQuery Plugins

Bootstrap has a few built-in Javascript components, but many project demand more than just your typical modal, tooltips, and a carousel from the late 1990’s.  Before you storm off and write a bunch of Bootstrap-based jQuery plugins for your next project, consider this wonderful list by the guys at Bootstrapious. Here’s the List Here are… more Top Bootstrap jQuery Plugins

Child Theme Inspiration

We’re gonna start with a boilerplate child theme example called “ChildPlate”, but once that free (and downloadable) child theme is complete, we’re gonna build four (yes, four) other ones to inspire the (nerdy) community and help Bootplate get ready for prime time. The goal here is for these child themes to inspire, impress, and demonstrate the… more Child Theme Inspiration

Why Icon Fonts are Awesome

We’ve been using icon fonts for our projects instead of graphical icons for years. There are several advantages to using icon fonts. Scale them with CSS Color them with CSS Add shadows with CSS Change opacity with CSS Rotate or animate with CSS Basically make any changes without opening Photoshop and editing a sprite They… more Why Icon Fonts are Awesome

Curabitur vitae nulla neque

Proin posuere a risus quis posuere. Sed pharetra id nulla ut pretium. Quisque pretium ultricies dui tincidunt scelerisque. Quisque vitae neque eget sapien vehicula semper imperdiet a erat. Curabitur arcu nunc, ornare id malesuada id, porttitor scelerisque sapien. Aliquam euismod a metus dapibus maximus. Nunc varius sapien nec nibh tempus congue. Integer sit amet dignissim… more Curabitur vitae nulla neque