We’re gonna start with a boilerplate child theme example called “ChildPlate”, but once that free (and downloadable) child theme is complete, we’re gonna build four (yes, four) other ones to inspire the (nerdy) community and help Bootplate get ready for prime time.

The goal here is for these child themes to inspire, impress, and demonstrate the flexibility of Bootplate as a WordPress theme framework.  Thus, they gotta look as varied as they look awesome.


This Bootplate child theme would show off the flexibility of the framework as well as showcase a design following Google’s Material Design principles.


This child theme would make good use of the full-height page template as well as showing how you can use Bootplate as a framework for more than just your corporate site–your content marketing initiatives.


You gotta love how easy-to-use bbPress is, but Lordy can it be ugly.  This child theme would show how Bootplate can transform this ugly duckling into the bell of the ball.


Content is king, but product materials close the deal.  This Bootplate child theme would showcase a design that’s all about marketing a variety of different products from the same designer/manufacturer.

Well, that’s what we’ve got rattling around in our heads.  Comment your ideas below and let us know what your thinking about.