Tag: Theme Framework

The Future of Bootplate

We’re thrilled at the reception Bootplate v1.x has received and that has inspired a lot of ideas for an upcoming version 2.0.  Here are just a few things we’re thinking about in this next big release. Faster oEmbed Media Embedded content with external requests can really slow a site down. This is especially true when… more The Future of Bootplate

WordPress 4.6 Compatibility

WordPress 4.6 includes several important performance improvements, a handful of nifty new features, and a slew of bug fixes.  But, Bootplate theme framework users may be wondering, “Is Bootplate compatible with this latest version of WordPress?”  Well, folks, it certainly is. Developed on Nightly Builds From the beginning, we’ve been building and maintaining Bootplate on… more WordPress 4.6 Compatibility