WordPress 4.6 Compatibility


WordPress 4.6 includes several important performance improvements, a handful of nifty new features, and a slew of bug fixes.  But, Bootplate theme framework users may be wondering, “Is Bootplate compatible with this latest version of WordPress?”  Well, folks, it certainly is. Developed on Nightly Builds From the beginning, we’ve been building and maintaining Bootplate on… more WordPress 4.6 Compatibility

2/3rd Height Page


Selecting the Page: 2/3rd-Height template under “Page Attributes” gives you something that looks like this. It has no sidebars (based on the default page template) and a header that’s dynamically set to 66% of the viewport (or two-thirds). You can also add a featured image as a giant background if you want. The thought here,… more 2/3rd Height Page

1/3rd Height Page


Selecting the Page: 1/3rd-Height template under “Page Attributes” gives you something that looks like this. It has no sidebars (based on the default page template) and a header that’s dynamically set to 33% of the viewport (or one-third). You can also add a featured image as a giant background if you want. The thought here,… more 1/3rd Height Page

Good Performance is Good Design


We absolutely adore WordPress, but without taking the right precautions, you can end up with a sluggish site.  We believe good website performance equals good web design.  It’s a big part of what our Bootplate theme framework project is all about. Why Performance Matters First time visitors will only hang around for a few seconds… more Good Performance is Good Design

Asynchronous Loading CSS in v1.5


Bootplate is all about being a wicked-fast WordPress theme.  After a lot of review of the work by the Filament Group on their loadCSS.js project, we decided to include a few custom functions in version 1.5 that copies WordPress’ CSS and JS enqueue process, but allows for heavier CSS to be loaded asynchronously (i.e. without… more Asynchronous Loading CSS in v1.5

Frontend Editing Functions


It seems that one of the things that make a great WordPress theme framework, is the ability for Admins to edit and customize a lot of the website right from the frontend–rather than just from the backend WordPress Dashboard.  Well, we’re working on something you might be interested in knowing about. We’ve already built a… more Frontend Editing Functions