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Showing 6 of 64 results found searching for bootplate

Introducing Bootplate ALPHA

We’re proud to announce the APLHA release of Bootplate. It’s designed for building awesome and responsive WordPress websites that are as stunning as they are fast to load.  We like to think of it more as a “theme framework” than a lowly starter theme, but read on and decide for yourself. We combined a working… more Introducing Bootplate ALPHA

Installing Bootplate Plugins

Most, if not all, of the Bootplate plugins we’ve built are not yet available via the plugin repo.  You could always download them manually from their GitHub repo, but you wouldn’t get automatic updates–which are important. Until these plugins are released on, we recommend installing them using a plugin that allows for easy… more Installing Bootplate Plugins

Bootplate Shortcodes

There are several wonderful plugins out there that handle shortcodes for Bootstrap-based themes, like Bootplate.  However, we had a few ideas of our own, so we created another one called Bootplate Shortcodes. If you’d like to use a different Bootstrap shortcodes plugin, we would suggest using either Bootstrap Shortcodes or Bootstrap Shortcodes for WordPress.  We’ve… more Bootplate Shortcodes

Bootplate Call-to-Action

On the home page of this preview and documentation site, you’ll see two big buttons. Those are managed from that admin using a very basic Bootplate plugin we call, Bootplate CTA Buttons. Once installed and activated, the plugin creates a Call to Action Buttons area to your page editor. Theme Developers will need to add… more Bootplate Call-to-Action


The Bootplate Framework The Bootplate Theme Framework empowers novices and professional developers alike to quickly and easily build awesome WordPress-powered responsive websites.  Bootplate provides a secure, performance optimized, and automatically updated foundation so your WordPress sites stay as awesome and fast-loading as the day they were launched. In this site (the one you’re on now),… more Bootplate

Link Post Format Fix in v1.9

Version 1.9 of Bootplate has just been released on the GitHub repo. We’ve included the usual bug fixes identified over time as well as better compatibility and smarter functions. Perhaps the most significant fix is making the “Link” Post Format a lot smarter with the new bootplate_get_post_link() function which intelligently checks inside the content of… more Link Post Format Fix in v1.9