WP Subtitles

Bootplate comes with pre-built support for several subtitle plugins.  Here are just a few of the plugins we kinda like the most.  The first one is the recommended plugin.

WP Subtitle (recommended)

The WP Subtitle plugin allows your pages and posts to contain a subtitle. Also called a sub-heading, this this short line of text is meant to appear beneath a post’s (or page’s) title.  That’s where Bootplate will place it for you by default.


Of course, you can insert the subtitle anywhere in a child theme’s template you want using the following function.

<?php the_subtitle(); ?>
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KIA Subtitle

KIA subtitle allows you to easily add a subtitle to your posts and retrieve it in the loop in the same manner as the post title. By using the_subtitle() or get_the_subtitle().


It adds a simple input field right under the title field of posts, pages and any custom post type. It also add a subtitle column to the edit screen as well as to the quick edit.

You can also use the shortcode [the-subtitle] to display it within the post content.

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Secondary Title

Secondary Title is a simple, light-weight plugin that adds an alternative title to posts, pages and/or custom post types.

The plugin comes with an extra settings page which allows you to customize the plugin according to your needs. You can change:

Please see the plugin’s official website for a full documentation.

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