FAB Demo

JDM Frontend Admin Buttons plugin demo

JDM Frontend Admin Buttons is a lightweight WordPress plugin that hides the default Admin Bar and replaces it with out of the way, contextually-aware, floating buttons for basic admin tasks.


JDM Frontend Admin Buttons (or “JDM FAB,” for short) is a simple and VERY light-weight WordPress plugin by the nerds at JDM Labs.   The plugin removes the default WordPress admin bar and adds floating buttons that are contextually-aware and fixed to one side so they’re out of the way.  As you hover over the icons, they slide out revealing the button title/action.

A few goals we had in making this plugin:

  • Keep it free and feature-rich
  • Keep it simple (stupid)
  • Must be SUPER lightweight (we hate plugin bloat)
  • Build for developers and noobs alike

Track the plugin’s progress over on GitHub.


JDM Frontend Admin Buttons is not, yet, available on the WordPress plugin repo.  However, using GitHub Updater you can install and manage automatic updates immediately while the plugin is in BETA.  Here’s how.

  1. Install the plugin, and the updater – tutorial here for using GitHub Updater
  2. Activate the plugin
  3. That’s it!


Seeing is believing, but since we can’t let you login here, screenshots will have to suffice.  We’ve included screenshots using themes that have Bootstrap v3.3.x enqueued as well as the default WordPress twentysixteen theme, seen here.

Check out those screenshots.
